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10 Wicked Smart Money Habits You Can Legally Steal from the Rich

by Alex S.

If you’ve ever wondered how people get rich, this post is about to become your new Bible.

It’s going to teach you the basic habits of rich people. Habits they use to not only build their fortunes, but keep it for generations as well.

In other words…

Want to increase your chances of becoming rich?

Then it’s time you picked up some millionaire habits.

And if you’re just trying to become financially smarter and control your money, these tips can help with that too.

Let’s jump in.

10 Smart Money Habits

It’s no secret that most people have a burning desire to be rich. They think that money can solve all their problems.

While that may be true for some folks, it will actually just create additional problems for everyone else – including you.

That’s because you don’t have a millionaire mindset. Don’t agree with that statement?

Well just think about what you’d do if someone gave you a million dollars right now. At least one of your three thoughts will be about buying something you’ve always wanted. A car, a house, or an expensive vacation.

Those are the type of thoughts that keep most people poor. People who live for instant gratification and the present.

But if you want to be different, you’ve got to change your mindset.

And you can start by stealing these habits from the rich…

1. Be wary of people’s eagerness to help you lose your money

Businesses, strangers, friends, family, and even your partner, all want your cash.

In some cases, a few of them want it bad enough that they’ll go to extreme lengths to get it. And the worst part is, they can rob you legally! All they have to do is prey on your basic human instincts.

Businesses only care about your cash. If they didn’t then they’d be running a charity. Which is funny because they’ll just be strangers asking for donations instead.

As for your friends, family, and spouse, they can be worse than a Dyson vacuum – slowly sucking your money out of your wallet. They’ll get you to lend and spend your way to financial ruin.

The smartest thing you can do is start using the word rich people love… just say “No”.

2. Document everything and read the fine print

Can I really cancel and pay nothing? Does the product have a conditional money-back guarantee?

These days, product creators and marketers are coming up with unique ways to sell you their product.

They make purchasing super easy. But refunds are a hassle. It’s not until you try to cancel and get your money back that you find out you don’t meet the criteria in their disclosure agreement.

So make sure you can get a copy of any disclosures in a store or on a website. And don’t forget to check the fine print.

3. Avoid anything that is free

Nothing will ever be as FREE as the air on Earth.

If you’re invited to a “free” real estate workshop where you can learn how to flip houses, decline the invitation.

Even if your favorite TV personality will be there (Spoiler Alert: they usually aren’t), it’s going to cost you both time and money.

Similarly, ads for free stuff on TV, in print media, and online are just as bad. In most cases, you have to “just pay shipping and handling” to receive the product. That ain’t exactly free right?

Lastly, if something is free like Facebook, then the product is… you.

4. Don’t expect government intervention

Imagine bank employees fraudulently opening accounts in your name, a company raising the price of a cancer drug by 5455.55%, or an agency failing to protect 145.5 million U.S. consumers from identity theft.

It seems absurd. Surely the government would do something to protect you and other citizens right?


If that were true, Wells Fargo would cease to exist. Turing Pharmaceuticals couldn’t take advantage of sick consumers. And Equifax would have been shut down for good.

But none of that happened.

You can find tons of cases where there was little to no government intervention. So the question you should ask yourself is…

Will the government really save me from financial disaster?

5. Don’t make financial decisions based on emotion

You probably have at least 7 things in your house that were emotionally-driven purchases. What’s worse is you don’t even use most (if not all) of them.

So why’d you buy them in the first place?

Answer: persuasion tactics.

It’s what skilled sellers and marketers use to convince you that you need something. They sell you on the benefits of a product and how it can dramatically change your life.

They’ll massage your ego, play with your heart, and strike fear in your soul to get you to fork over your cash.

When it comes to money, don’t let emotion guide your decisions. Do your research and due diligence to make an informed decision.

6. Empathize with sellers

Most consumers get so caught up in worrying about themselves that they forget about the sellers. If you’re smart you’ll ask yourself the following:

  • What does the person get for making this sale?
  • How exactly is the company making money from the product or service?

For example, if a company says your credit card is needed to access a free trial of their new software, they have a secret agenda.

Unless you remember to cancel before the end of the trial, you’ll get charged as soon as the clock strikes 12AM on the day the trial expires.

Lots of people sign up for subscriptions and forget to cancel them. Then one day they look at their credit card statement and see an unfamiliar charge. But by the time they call up to cancel it, the company has already made money off them.

So that cancellation – although wise – doesn’t make up for the money you wasted.

That’s why you should always try to see things from the seller’s or company’s perspective.

7. Avoid time-sensitive offers

Macy’s One-Day saleSephora’s Beauty Insider Appreciation Sale, and your local Ford President’s Day sale, are all popular examples of time-sensitive offers.

But if they’re so special, why do they happen all…the…time?

The reality is those offers are just gimmicks. They are created to present the illusion that, unless you buy now, those once-in-a-lifetime offers will be gone forever.

Yet, unsurprisingly, the offers happen so frequently (or yearly) that you never really miss out on any amazing opportunities.

It sounds shady but it’s just good marketing. And it manages to attract tons of unsuspecting consumers who end up leaving those stores (or showrooms) with lighter wallets.

So don’t fall for any kind of offer that requires you to “act fast” or “sign and drive” because it almost never benefits you.

8. Never invest in things you don’t understand

This applies to products, services, and companies.

When someone starts pitching you a product and uses a lot of corporate mumbo jumbo to impress you, don’t fall for it.

What they’re really doing is using your lack of industry knowledge to take advantage of you and get you to invest.

A perfect example of this is the financial advisor at your local bank.

Let’s call him Prescott because it sounds like the name of someone who’d foreclose on your house.

Prescott knows you’re concerned about savings, retirement, and the stock market. So he’ll put together an “investment package” that’s completely “low risk” and tailored to your specific needs. He’ll even toss in some more words to make you feel it’s a smart decision.

Don’t buy that bulls***!

Too many people blindly trust their advisors. If something is simple, it shouldn’t require complex explanations and jargon.

So make sure you do your due diligence to research and understand whatever you’re buying or investing in, before signing your hard earned money away.

9. Accept that you aren’t too smart to get scammed

Would you agree that compared to the average person, lawyers are pretty smart people?

After all, they do get paid well to understand and practice law. Their profession is usually highly regarded, if not glamorized.

So it’s hard to imagine a lawyer getting scammed into a shady deal, right?

Well hold your nose ‘cause here goes the cold water…

An entire law school fell victim to investment fraud as a result of the Bernie Madoff scandal. The New York Law School reportedly lost $3 million of it’s endowment money.

An ENTIRE law school!

Now if that can happen to an institution of remarkable intelligence, where does that leave you?

The best thing you can do for your ego is to accept that you aren’t immune to investment scams, shady deals, and con artists.

Humbling yourself is a habit worth learning.

10. Be wary of things that seem too good to be true

It’s important that you understand the difference between being wary and completely avoiding something.

Too many people focus on the latter and tip-toe through life on egg shells. That’s because they buy into the misconception that all good offers are bad and miss out on some fantastic opportunities.

Yes, while most of the sales pitches and offers you encounter are crap, there are some exceptions.

But in order to see those diamonds in the rough you must dawn your logic and common sense hat.

You should invest time gathering information, asking questions, and scrutinizing something (or someone) before making a financial decision.

If you do that and something still seems too good to be true, then that’s when you can totally ignore the offer.

And never forget what some famous poet dude once wrote…

“All that glisters is not gold.” – William Shakespeare

A Richer You

Now that you’ve discovered these smart money habits, it’s time to make them your own.

If you adopt these 10 habits, you’ll become much smarter at managing your personal finances and protecting your money. Ultimately, you’ll be playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.

One last thing…

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About Alex S.

When he’s not watching Barca games, Alex is busy sharpening his coding skills. A self-taught indie hacker who enjoys finding ways of automating pretty much anything in his life. He’s not fascinated by finance, but he loves the thrill of making money.


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