Regaining your focus and energy after an exhausting week is hard. Especially after dealing with work, family responsibilities, household chores, and a million other things.
However, with a weekend reset routine, you can easily reboot your life and increase your productivity for the next week.
In this post, you’ll discover an effective weekly reset checklist that you can start using ASAP!
These simple tasks have helped thousands of people avoid feeling stressed out and overwhelmed on their days off.
If you want to overcome those feelings too, then keep reading to learn more.
The Best Weekly Reset Routine to Energize Yourself
So what do you do on a reset day?
You can do several things. Here’s a few broken down into four basic categories:
1. Organize your life
Use these tasks to quickly get organized and back on track:
- Go through your inbox. Reply to emails that are a priority, then delete the rest. Try to get as close to inbox zero as possible.
- Declutter your desktop and downloads folder. Try to put important files in relevant folders. Then move any unwanted items to the trash and empty it.
- Gather all the mail and loose paper scattered across your countertop, tables, or work desks. Set aside things like bills, notices, letters, etc. If everything else is junk mail or useless documents, toss it in the recycle bin.
- Got a handbag? Dump everything out onto a table. Stuff like lipstick, makeup, wallet, hairbrush, glasses, and keys can go back in your handbag. Go through the remaining items. Store anything important in a drawer and discard the rest.
- Got a wallet? Beside your license, credit cards, and cash, nothing else should be in there. Ok, that pic of grandma’s fine. As for all those random business cards, add the important contacts to your phone and trash the rest.
- Use a notes app? Review all your notes. Transfer the important ones to a special folder on your computer. Delete any unnecessary notes.
- Round up all your sticky-notes, to-do lists, etc. Store them in a binder or add them to your computer if possible. Discard anything you don’t need.
- Are your hoarding levels rising? Don’t call a doctor. Gather all your stuff and either sell it, give it away, or donate it. If you choose to sell, use OfferUp or Poshmark to sell it fast. Or host a garage sale if you’ve got time.
2. Clean your surroundings
Try doing these tasks to tidy up and declutter messy areas:
- Cleaning rooms? Start with your bedroom first. Then do another area where you spend most of your time in e.g. home office or living room. Don’t try to tackle the whole house in one day. Just focus on the major common areas for now.
- Do your laundry. Let the machines do their thing while you focus on other tasks. After your clothes are washed and dried, simply pack them away.
- Put your dishes in the dishwasher if you have one, or clean them yourself. Then, put away all your wares to leave your kitchen spotless.
- Clear out your closet. Anything that mysteriously shrunk or grew and no longer fits, needs to go e.g. shoes, skirts, pants, etc. Do you really need that one expensive white dress you only wore once?
- Go through your fridge and pantry. Toss out all the stuff you let expire in favor of junk food and take out.
3. Practice self care
You matter most. Use these tasks to improve your wellbeing:
- Unplug yourself from social media, TV, Netflix, etc. Try to spend 24 hours without this stuff and it’ll do wonders for your mental health.
- Do a body detox. Make a healthy smoothie. Or fill a mug with water and ice, then toss in some sliced lemons or cucumbers for a refreshingly hydrating drink.
- Read, listen to music, draw, journal, meditate, go for a walk. Do something that’s positively stimulating and makes you feel chill.
- Give yourself a facial. Not the dirty kind. The one where you exfoliate your skin to unclog pores and rejuvenate your face.
- Pamper yourself. Take a bath, get a massage, or treat yourself by going to a spa.
- Make yourself an amazingly healthy meal, or order one. No, this doesn’t mean ice-cream and sprinkles.
- Sit in silence for an hour and just be super appreciative of your wonderful self. You have your health. You’re alive. And you’ve got lots of life and love to share with the world.
4. Plan your days
If you want to have a successful week, plan for it with these simple tasks:
- Pick your outfits for the week. You’ll be surprised by how much time this saves you in the morning. Plus, it’s going to be one less thing you have to stress about.
- Try to prep your meals for the week. There are tons of quick and easy healthy recipes you can find online. And in addition to saving time, you’ll also save money. The extra money you save can be used for investing or starting a side hustle.
- Review any goals you’ve set for yourself. If you have none, then consider making some. Goals act as milestones for your life. As you achieve them, you can look back and see that you did something meaningful.
- Do a brain dump. Using a blank sheet of paper, write down everything on your mind that’s been stressing you out. Things like your to-dos, major plans, family affairs, etc. Get it all down in writing to reduce your mental anxiety.
- Review your brain dump. Focus on what you can control and try to solve those problems. You won’t be able to tackle them all, so target the easy ones. Then put the rest away for another reset day. Whatever you do, don’t let them sit idle.
- Use a daily planner to schedule your weekly priorities. If you prefer doing it digitally, apps like Notion and Google Calendar are great digital planners.
- Got a current to-do list or agenda? Review it. Check off anything that’s been done and reschedule tasks that need your attention. Try to give them a due date. And set up reminders so that you can stay on top of them.
- Your plan is important. It will help you manage your time efficiently during the day. So make sure you review it weekly and monthly to track your wins, see what’s not working, and figure out what you need to improve.
Final Take
Now that you have some ideas for a weekly reset checklist, it’s time to create your own.
Remember, this list is just a guide. You don’t need to do everything on it. Just pick the ones that work for you and focus on those.
The end goal of having a weekly reset routine is to reprogram your life and set yourself up for a highly productive work week.
If you do that consistently, it will dramatically change your weekends and your life.
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